Whether you're considering a new benefits program for your employees or looking to switch insurance providers, it's vital to understand how insurance companies calculate premium allocation. Certain factors impact how your insurance premiums are calculated--including the types of coverage in your policy, the location of your business and even any associated service fees. With this knowledge in hand, you'll be better equipped for how these costs will affect your organisation's bottom line.
In this article, we're going to take a look at how insurance companies calculate premium allocation and how these costs may influence your organisational decisions when selecting coverage, policy limits as well as any deductibles you wish to include.
Let's begin.
We all know how insurance policies work. You pay into a premium "pool" alongside other policyholders and should a claim be made--such as in the event of commercial property damage for example--you are entitled to withdraw funds for repairs and any other potential losses incurred by the damage.
When it comes to how much you contribute to this pool, insurance companies pay close attention to premium allocation. If you are determined to be less likely to file a claim, you'll pay a lower premium than those more likely to make a claim.
Every insurance company has a system for calculating and allocating premiums. They consider a variety of factors when doing so. Here's a list from Risk and Insurance that illustrates the main considerations that affect premium allocation balancing on a macro level:
With this in mind, let's look at how insurance companies calculate premium allocation based on three of the most common types of business insurance policies:
Insurance companies consider the following when calculating a general liability insurance policy premium:
With these factors in mind, it's easier to understand how premiums are calculated for your general liability insurance policy.
Insurance companies consider the following when calculating a general liability insurance policy premium:
Insurers analyze every aspect of your situation--in comparison to others with the same or similar circumstances--to calculate premium allocation.
Also known as commercial insurance, insurers consider these factors when calculating and allocating premiums:
The secret to a satisfactory premium allocation is all about balance. Proper allocation structuring is required in order to obtain established financial objectives. Doing so in an accurate and timely manner will enable finance teams to operate much more efficiently. Failing to do so by under- or over-compensating your resources can result in costly consequences.
Ultimately, optimal financial structures as a result of precise premium allocation allow for satisfactory coverage of all business operations and their associated risks.
At Vena, we understand how challenging financial planning can be. And that's why we created a pre-configured Insurance solution that leverages the flexibility of an Excel interface within the Vena Growth Engine.
When it comes to premium planning, Vena for Insurance makes it easy to plan new and renew gross written premiums by line of business/product and allocate across regions, channels or other dimensions.
In other words, our Complete Planning platform built for Insurance was built with premium allocation in mind. Click here to request a demo and learn more.