As the borrowing firm, you pay for a loan with interest payments to the lender over the term of the loan. You report this as debt that was funded—hence, funded debt.
Funded debt usually pays for a long-term project. It usually comes with interest, which is the income for the lender. As the borrower, this is a conservative method of raising capital for your company because generally the interest rate is locked.
Your funded debt is included in leverage ratio calculations, also known as capitalization ratios.
Monitor your funded debt with this free Monthly Balance Sheet Template for Excel
Your debts are classified as funded or unfunded. While funded debt matures after more than one year or one reporting cycle, unfunded debt are the debts your business needs to pay off in one year or less..
Debt funding is one method of raising capital. It’s a conservative method when interest rates are low. Another way—equity funding—is selling stocks (shares of company ownership). If your business sells stocks, you’ll share profits and control of operations with stockholders.
When interest rates are lower, it’s a better time to raise capital through funded debt. When they’re higher, choose equity funding. Where does your capital come from?
Stay ahead of change with Vena’s Scenario Planning and Analysis Software. Look into the future, plan your scenarios and determine how you should raise capital next.