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Key Ingredients
for Best-In-Class Franchises

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Virtual Event | April 11, 2024, 1:00PM–2:00PM ET

Why Attend?

Join Vena and Citrin Cooperman for an insightful and forward-looking event where we'll delve into the dynamics of the franchise landscape in 2024. Our experts will address key topics, providing valuable insights and best practices for franchisees, franchisors, and professionals in the industry. With a focus on adapting to the changing business environment, this event will explore different areas such as: reporting, auditing, and finance operations.

Illustrated icon of a brain on a green background.

Explore trends and challenges within the franchise industry for 2024 and beyond.

An icon of two people with a lightbulb in between them, on a green background.

Hear best practices for:

  • Checkmark icon Auditing franchise financials
  • Checkmark icon Reducing reporting times from >100 hours/week to just seconds
  • Checkmark icon and more!
Group 22098

Earn 1 CPE/CPD Credit


1:00PM ET | Panel Discussion

Headshot of Dominic DiBernardo on a green background

Dominic DiBernardo
Partner, CPM Practice, Citrin Cooperman

Headshot of Michael Iannuzzi on a green background

Michael Iannuzzi
Partner, Franchising Practice, Citrin Cooperman

Headshot of Mike Dudan on a green background

Mike Dudan
CFO, Homefront Brands

Headshot of Chris McCarthy on a green background

Chris McCarthy
Partner, CPM Practice, Citrin Cooperman

1:20PM ET | Vena for Franchising Demo

Headshot of Brendon Suggett on a green background

Brendon Sugget
Partner, CPM Practice, Citrin Cooperman

Headshot of Mike Rzepka on a green background

Mike Rzepka
Director, Solutions Consulting, Vena

1:50PM ET | Q&A

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