See how Vena enables KIPP DC to plan for the future with cash flow management, scenario planning and what-if analysis. “Vena allows us to leverage Excel in order to see an accurate financial picture of where we’ll be.”- Nate Schwartz, Senior Director of Finance at KIPP DC.
Now You Can Plan for Any Scenario With Driver-Based Modeling
Vena’s cash flow planning software allows you to create driver-based models you can run monthly, weekly or daily. Already have models that you know and love? No problem. You can use your existing Excel models and financial statements to configure a direct or indirect cash flow statement. With the ability to quickly understand the impact of business decisions on your treasury, you can prepare for any scenario with confidence.
Maximize Investment and Minimize Borrowing
Put your cash to work. Effectively manage your cash inflows and outflows to anticipate long-term cash requirements and pay down debt. Easily understand your cash flow drivers and set targets so you can proactively influence results and plan for future investments. Make the right decisions at the right time with Vena.
Turn Your Passions Into Plans
Go from looking back to thinking forward with our cash flow management software. Central data governance and a secure database that integrates with all of your source systems mean you can trust your cash flow projections. Plus, ad-hoc reporting tools, Vena Insights and executive-level reporting templates will help you create real-time reports that drive real-life growth.
An Award-Winning Partner To Guide You on Your Path to Success
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Over 1,300 leading companies grow with Vena. Start your journey today